Home Birth Service

Home Birth Service

Experience an unforgettable moment

Have you ever felt like just another client?

With us, you and your baby are our passion. Prenatal visits are scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes, giving us plenty of time to answer your questions without rushing. We aim for you to feel safe and comfortable, staying until all your concerns have been addressed. With only one midwife, there's no need to repeat information consistently.

Routine prenatal care takes place in a safe and comfortable environment. Children and family members are welcome and encouraged to take an active part in your pregnancy during prenatal care.

  1. Schedule of Visits

Is this your first time considering midwifery care? Knowing what lies ahead can help you prepare.

Prenatal care can begin as soon as you know you're pregnant. Visits are scheduled:

  • Every four weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy

  • Every two weeks until the 36th week

  • Weekly until birth (home delivery is safe between 37–42 weeks)

Each visit includes:

  • Unrushed appointments with ample time for your questions

  • Education and counseling

  • Monitoring of weight, blood pressure, and urine (checking for protein and glucose)

  • Measuring uterine size/fundal height

  • Assessing fetal heart rate, activity, and position (in late pregnancy)

  • Overall assessment of your physical and emotional well-being

  1. Labor and Delivery

Ever wonder what happens at a home birth?

We come to your home during labor, arriving when you're ready for us. We bring a qualified assistant, along with necessary medication and equipment to ensure a safe home birth. We discuss possible complications and safety measures beforehand so you can approach your birth with confidence. If needed or desired, we can transfer care to a nearby hospital, but the majority of home births remain safe and comfortable at home.

Interested in a water birth?

We've got you covered. We will bring a birth pool to your home and set it up while you labor. Birth pools and water births are included in our all-inclusive package; see the pricing page for more details.

During your labor and delivery, we will:

  • Assess your and your baby's condition through intermittent monitoring and routine vitals/exams

  • Maintain a safe and hygienic environment

  • Suture first and second-degree vaginal lacerations if necessary

  • Provide emergent care if indicated

  • Perform a complete newborn examination

  • Assist with establishing breastfeeding

  • Clean up after the birth (home births are not often messy)

After the birth, we stay for at least two hours. We will not leave until both you and your baby have stable vitals and are resting comfortably.

  1. Postpartum Care

You've had the baby—now what? Are you prepared for postpartum?

It takes many months to grow a baby, and it often takes longer for your body to recover after having one. The postpartum period is the foundation of your post-pregnancy health and the start of a new journey with your family.

Postpartum visits are scheduled:

  • 24–48 hours after the birth (in your home)

  • Two to three weeks after the birth (in our office)

  • Six to eight weeks after the birth (in our office)

During these visits, we will:

  • Examine your vitals, sutures (if applicable), breastfeeding (if you choose), and overall emotional well-being

  • Complete any final labs

  • Discuss postpartum mood disorders and ways to prevent or navigate them

For your baby, we will:

  • File for the baby's birth certificate and social security card within five days of birth

  • Complete metabolic and congenital heart disease screenings

  • Provide a prescription for their hearing screening

Please note that these tests do not replace the need to see a pediatrician. You are encouraged to choose a pediatrician by 36 weeks of pregnancy and will be advised to see them within 24 hours of the birth.

Free phone consultation

Talk to the midwife and get answers to any questions you might have.

Moments Midwifery

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